Speaking Italian 101

Posted: July, 07 2014

If you're headed abroad this summer, it's always wise to have an understanding of key conversational phrases common in the language of the country you're visiting. Today, we're going to provide you with some phrases to use throughout the country of Italy. Having a basic understanding of a few phrases can really go a long way and locals really appreciate the effort of tourists who take the time to understand at least bits and pieces of the language. Simple greetings and polite phrases can go a long way on your travels to foreign countries.

Hello: Ciao

How are you?: Come va?

My name is...: Mi chiamo....

What's your name?: Come ti chiami?

Pleased to meet you: Piacere di conoscerti

Good night: Buonanotte

I don't understand: Non capisco

How much is this?: Quanto costa?

Thank you: Grazie

You're Welcome: Prego

Excuse me (let me through): Permesso

Sorry: Scusa!

I'm from...: Vengo da...

Where's the bathroom?: Dov'è la toilette?

Beyond language, Italy is also a country of many hand gestures. You may have heard that Italians like to talk with their hands and this statement is very true. Italians use a variety of common hand gestures and movements along with speech to emphasize points and show emotion. Having an understanding of common gestures in addition to language can make it a little easier to communicate with non-English or little English speakers in Italy as well as avoid confusion. The Guardian made this excellent guide to Italian hand guestures that you can find on their website by clicking here. Below are two gestures from the article to give you a peek.

"Delicious!" Rub finger into your cheek. Look happy.

"Come here!" Wags hand downward

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