Villa Spalletti Trivelli

Rome, Italy



Villa Spalletti Trivelli
Via Piacenza 4
00184 Roma

Arriving by plane

From Fiumicino International Airport
Take the Leonardo Express Train or a shuttle bus to Termini Station. We advise our guests to take a taxi from the station to the hotel (about 5 minutes), or else reserve the Villa Spalletti Trivelli transfer service.
From Ciampino International Airport
Take the shuttle bus to Termini Station. We advise our guests to take a taxi from the station to the hotel (about 5 minutes), or else reserve the Villa Spalletti Trivelli transfer service.

Arriving by  train

From the Rome Termini Station, we advise our guests to take a taxi to the hotel (about 5 minutes), or else reserve the Villa Spalletti Trivelli transfer service.

By car

From all Highways take the Grande Raccordo Anulare and get off at the Via Salaria exit towards Centro. Continue straight along Via Pinciana, which becomes Via Veneto. Once you reach Piazza Barberini, continue along Via Quattro Fontane for 300 meters and turn right on Via del Quirinale. Keep going until you reach the Piazza del Quirinale, then turn left on Via della Consulta and left again after 100 meters on Via Piacenza. You have arrived: Villa Spalletti Trivelli is at number 4.

Call or e-mail for rates and availability


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